Wednesday 29 July 2009

Chapter 1: The Demon Awakens

A lonely figure stands on a small rocky clearing bathed in a shard of sunlight piercing through the canopy of leaves of the dense forest. The sunlight gleams off her body highlighting her unnatural beauty accentuated by her infinitely dark black wings. She smiles ever so gently and seductively; she's aware there are three armed men hunting her. The would be assailants move swifty and quietly through the forest advancing on their target.

"A Hunter, a beserker and a caster of flames, Mikuru", a quiet voice speaks.

The three armed men take positions, waiting for the right moment to strike. In that brief moment the world was still; birds in mid-flight were perfectly frozen in place and the forest was deathly silent. Mikuru, their target, disappeared from their very eyes! As the two most forward men, the hunter and beserker, scoured the horizon for their prey a gurgled scream came from the direction of their third team member. Before them was their brother-in-arms with a twisted and painful expression on his face. After what seemed like an eternity he collapsed onto the floor, dead. Standing there in his place was the imposing figure of Mikuru, her dark wings unfolded as if the very soul was sucked out and eaten by the black void. Without barely rasing their weapons, the other would be assailants were defeated in quick succession.

Mikuru stands over one of her defeated opponents and notices an emblem, a crest embossed with a shield depicting a dragon and a sword crossed over each other. She becomes angry at the sight, her eyes glow a dark red and her fangs appear. She rips off the emblem and crushes it with her hands.

"Mikuru, they came for you. Most...unusual.", the voice spoke again. This time a ghostly visage fades into view infront of Mikuru, a beautiful woman with long flowing silver hair wearing a simple elegant Kimono.

With a stern and angry tone Mikuru replied, "Alice, I'm going to break my promise and take back what rightly belongs to me."

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