Wednesday 5 August 2009

Anatomy of Vengeance

Far away in another part of the continent is the bustling and lively town of Murhkal. Market stalls adorn the streets selling fruits, vegetables, meats to household goods and local trinkets. Overshadowing the market square is a large, ominous castle and above the entrance way, for all to see, was a large crest bearing the dragon head crossed with a sword emblazed on a shield.

Darting through the bustling town, fumbling and tumbling, is a young man with a panic stricken face. He's racing towards this castle as if his life depended on it, knocking into people, spilling goods all to reach this location. As he approaches the portcullis of the castle, they rise and allow him entry.

Inside this castle, high in one of the adjourning sanctums, the heavy sounds of swords clashing could be heard. Two battle scarred men are sparring with one another with great ferocity, weilding their mighty swords with almost seemless ease. Their immense forceful strikes against each others swords ring out like a bell in the castle, sparks flying with each contact highlighting the intricate details of their heavy plated armour. The double doors at the end of the room burst open and the young man entered and immediately knelt to the floor, his eyes fixed to his feet to avoid eye contact. The two men relax, sheath their swords; the older of the two with a scar over his blinded left eye speaks in a quick and sharp manner.

"What is it?", he demanded.

"Sir!", the young man quivered, "I bring grave news of the three sent to Fire Leaf Valley. They were defeated in battle, Sir!"

The two men standing glance at each other, both knowingly guessing the perpetrator.

"How did they die?" the younger of the two men standing enquired.

At this point the young man starts to sweat uncontrollably, closing his eyes tightly as if to push back the horror he had witnessed.

With a trembling voice he eventually replies, "Tornos, the battle mage, was stone, as if his very essence was sucked out. Runi, th-the hunter, had his limbs broken and his n-n-neck crushed. Y'ssler...Y'ssler...he...he had no blood and h-his heart..."

"C'mon! Spit it out!", the younger of the two men spoke.

Without trying to vomit over the sight at which he saw, the young man replies, "...his a discarded half eaten fruit!!"

The young man takes out the three crests from the deceased men and places them on the floor in front of him, careful not to make eye contact.

"Is that all?", spoke the older of the two men.

"Y-y-yes", came the reply.

"Then get out of here before we cut you into three."

The young man gathered himself quickly, stood up and rushed out, closing the door behind him.

The two men stare at the same crumpled emblem.

"Orthrull, it seems that monstrosity has shown itself once more." spoke the younger of the two men.

"We will deal with her in due time. Our clerics, after these hundred years, still cannot figure out what she cursed our founder eternal slumber he remains. Patrov, increase the number of scouts and push them further out. Find where she is and track her movements. Together we'll finish what our founder failed to do on his own."

With that the two men went their seperate ways in the castle, the commander Orthrull and his second in command Patrov.

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